Health and Safety
Construction (Design and Management) - CDM
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations, known as the CDM regulations, are a set of health and safety regulations that apply specifically to construction projects. These regulations apply to all construction projects of all sizes and were most recently updated in 2015.
CDM applies to every construction project. If you are planning construction work or carrying out construction work, even for an hour, you must comply with CDM
We can assist you with your CDM requirements and also act as your principal designer for the project if required.
A principal designer is a designer who is an organisation or individual appointed by the client to take control of the pre-construction phase of any project involving more than one contractor.
Principal designers have an important role in influencing how risks to health and safety are managed throughout a project. Design decisions made during the pre-construction phase have a significant influence in ensuring the project is delivered in a way that secures the health and safety of everyone affected by the work.
Further information from the HSE on client responsibilities can be found via this link to the HSE website
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) publish a useful Industry guidance for clients document which can be found using the link below